Motorola BPR40
An affordable, high-performance communication tool that is a reliable solution for your communication needs. When you equip your workforce with the BPR 40, they will be able to react more efficiently. Quicker response, better customer service, saved trips, and increased safety – they all add up to better operations and a streamlined process.
The Mag One™ by Motorola BPR 40 two-way radio not only provides affordable communication, but also a complete assortment of tested and certified accessories to customize your radio solution. And it’s backed by Motorola service and a 1-year limited radio warranty*.
Motorola CP185
The strong performance and extensive features of the CP185 commercial portable radio provides simple, intuitive operation and helps ensure clear dependable communication.
Easy, discreet and prompt communication with your workforce is vital to improving response time, strengthening employee efficiency and increasing customer satisfaction. Motorola’s CP185 two-way radios provide a durable, high-quality voice communication solution that helps your business increase productivity and provide excellent customer service.
Ideal for educational institutions, retail and hospitality businesses, service and manufacturing industries, the Motorola CP185 brings you a robust two-way radio solution. With its ergonomic shape for comfortable use plus everyday security features in a durable, lightweight, compact design, you can enhance communication while increasing efficiency and productivity.
Motorola VL50
In today’s competitive business environment, maximizing productivity is critical to success. That’s why employees must be connected…the Motorola VL50 makes it easy and affordable!
Helping businesses offer superior customer service, the VL allows employees to react quickly to requests and have instant access to one another. VL two-way radios and headsets are designed with business productivity in mind – providing functionality at the push of a button.
Motorola VX-261
For basic push-to-talk communication,look to the VX-260 Series.
Choose from two portable analog radios: the VX-261 (without display) and VX-264 (with display). With enhanced interoperability, you can choose from multiple signaling options, such as: MDC1200®, FleetSync®, DTMF, and 2-tone or 5-tone capabilities for seamless integration into a mixed fleet.
Compatible with the universal battery system, you’ll eliminate equipment clutter and confusion by standardizing on one charging base for the entire team.
Motorola EVX-S24
You can afford to enhance your communications with the digital performance of eVerge™ two-way radios. eVerge radios are compact and precision-engineered to deliver value without sacrificing quality — giving you more capabilities and the flexibility you need to communicate at your best